Monday, 12 November 2007

Best Free Niche Finder Software

So, what's the best FREE niche finder software out there?

Well, I have to tell you, if you want something for FREE then the best you can do (and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with this) is grab a load of magazines and newspapers and have a look at what the advertisers are currently targeting. Then use a bit of initiative and digging around on Google to "drill down" and find something more specific and niche.

OK, so that's not the answer you wanted when you stumbled upon this page, and I apologise for leading you in this way. However, what's the next best thing to FREE? 

For just $1 - yes, that's one dollar - you can get 14 days access to THE BEST Niche tool on the internet - NicheBot.

This year, we've seen a lot of different keyword tools surface, and a couple that actually showed some promise.

But they were missing a few key components.

For one, all those tools and most everyone out there are still looking at one-dimensional data.

What do I mean?

Quite simple.  If you could look into a keyword and be able to see some history and month-by-month activity, you would be able to better judge whether or not the keyword is worthy to go after, right?

Only makes sense.

And what if you could click one button and be able to pop up a chart that lets you compare a bunch of keywords and shows you which one is on the upward cycle of demand and which is on the downward cycle.

Wouldn't that be kick butt?

Well -- it's now possible.

If you are really, truly interested in picking winning keywords on a consistent basis, do yourself a favor and click the link below to check it out.

The best (almost) free Niche Finder Software on the internet!

Then, let me know what you think after you take the tour. I'm already running ads and hubs on niches I never knew existed, and it's bringing in a nice steady trickle of income. And I've only been using it just over a week, still on the $1 trial. Will I continue the subscription after my 14 days is up? You bet I will, as it's already paid for itself after just 1 week.

Don't take my word for it though, give it a go and I'm sure you'll be pleased with what you see.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Free Yahoo Advertising Voucher - $50

How would you like a free $50 voucher to use on Yahoo advertising? This is too good an offer to miss!

I've already talked about the forthcoming Site Rubix launch from Wealthy Affiliates. What you don't know is this...

If you go to the Site Rubix website here, and subscribe to their newsletter for updates, after a few days you get sent this great little e-book called:

7 Steps to Website Profits

Within that e-book is a link that will get you $50 of FREE Yahoo Advertising Vouchers!

So, don't delay, subscribe to the Site Rubix newsletter here and take advantage of this great offer.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Does Article Marketing Work?

Does Article Marketing Work? That's the question I was asking myself only a couple of weeks ago.

Well, I can happily say that it does!

I started developing a campaign just over two weeks ago - a blog, Squidoo lens, that kind of thing and wrote around 10 articles and submitted to EzineArticles. I sat and waited for a few days, continuously checking my traffic stats using Google Analytics (this is such a bad habit I've developed recently), but nothing. Then...

Kerchiiiing! Friday September 21st - my first sale thru' article marketing!

The days rolled by, a week even rolled by, still nothing.... I was beginning to feel this had been a flash in the pan. Then...

Lordy Lordy Lordy!!! Sunday September 30th - my second sale!

Now I've just made my 3rd sale on 3rd October!

I'm chuffed to bits right now, and it's all thanks to my buddies at Wealthy Affiliate for their advice and support.

Onwards and upwards!

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Site Rubix Reviews Everywhere!

Wow! The world has gone Site Rubix craaazy! It's still many days until the Site Rubix launch on 9th October and yet everywhere I look I see Site Rubix this and Site Rubix that!

If you want some real information on Site Rubix, the only place to go is HERE. Just sign up to the Wealthy Affiliates Site Rubix newsletter and you'll get information as soon as it's available.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Google PageRank on a Mac

Is it possible to see Google PageRank on a Mac? For those of you who, like myself, use a Mac, we've always been left behind when it comes to mainstream tools, including the Google toolbar which you needed to view a sites PageRank.

No longer. I just found a couple of useful tools which you can install on a Mac to view PageRank.

The Google Toolbar for Firefox

This installs and works in the same way as the original IE Google toolbar, except it works on both Mac and Windows versions of Firefox (v1.5 or above only).

Download and install it HERE.

The PageRank Widget

Not quite as convenient, because you have to keep dipping into Dashboard, but it's worth a download all the same. It installs just as you would any Mac widget, and then enter the URL and PageRank will be displayed.

Download and install it HERE.

Why do I need to know a site's PageRank? Knowing a site's PageRank is very useful when choosing your keywords. If you select a keyword, search for it in Google and then see what sites are shown at the top of the natural listings. If the PageRank of those sites is less than that of an article directory, such as EzineArticles (which has a PR of 6) then chances are you can rise to the top of the list fairly easily by submitting articles with those keywords.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Site Rubix Review

Site Rubix Review? Ok, so you won't find a review just yet as the product isn't even launched. You will see a great deal of blogs and hubpages around in the coming days and weeks with Site Rubix Review pasted all over them (a bit like this one I suppose, hehe!)

So what is it?

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I've been given a sneak preview and it looks like this is going to be the answer to all you people's dreams who want to get up affiliate websites quickly, but don't have the HTML skills to do so. Even for those of you who do have the skills, it's claim of being able to create a website in minutes (5 minutes to be precise!) is certainly a bold one. We'll have to wait and see how it stacks up against some of the other website creation software, but if Kyle & Carson's previous launches are anything to go by - Site Rubix is going to be awesome!

Visit the Site Rubix page now, and drop them your email to be the first to hear about the news.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

What a Relief! Reinstated with Ezine Articles

I'm relieved to say that Ezine Articles have just removed my account from suspension, and reviewed and approved my last article I submitted. The 'problem' article which caused all this has been deleted.

So, a relatively successful week - I managed to get 5 articles submitted and approved and also learned something in the process - that you should not submit PLR articles to EzineArticles!

The articles, I'm pleased to say, are bringing a fair amount of traffic to my site. No sales yet, but I'm hopeful. I do need to spend more time on my blog that is receiving the traffic though, as it's not really optimised for the hard sell yet!

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Don't mix PLR and EzineArticles

Perhaps this is spelled out very clearly in the EzineArticles T's & C's but I just fell foul of it anyway...

I submitted an article (to EzineArticles) to which I had the rights to use, but didn't have exclusive rights. Yup, I submitted a PLR (Private Label Rights) article.

Within minutes I had an email from EA saying that my account had been temporarily suspended! Aaaaaagh! My article writing was going pretty well this week, but I guess I just got a little too lazy and tried a PLR. Well, my advice is, don't! At least not with EzineArticles.

Anyway, my groveling email has been sent, asking them to reinstate my account. I'm sure they will. Well, I hope they will, but that the last time I try and take a shortcut!

Update on 14th Sep - still no word from EzineArticles. I sent them a suitably groveling email, so hopefully I'll be re-instated soon...

Saturday, 8 September 2007

So here's the plan...

Another busy week, and since my post on Sunday I've been reading through all my IM stuff again, and on Thursday made the decision to focus on just one thing. That's part of the problem with IM - there are soooo many ways and techniques you can use to achieve the same thing (money!) that it's quite easy to lose focus of what you want to do.

I'm now concentrating on Article Marketing (or Bum Marketing, as coined by Travis at Wealthy Affiliates). Not only does this have the benefit of not costing a single penny (replace with cent for my Stateside readers) but I figure it will also improve my writing skills which can never be a bad thing.

So since Thursday, I've picked a niche to focus on and churned out two articles, and also started a blog to drive the traffic to.

Will let you know how it progresses...

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Where does the time go...?

Wow! I can't believe it's over a month since my last post. How time flies.

Like many of you, I'm not yet doing Affiliate Marketing as a full time job, and the day job is taking up a lot of my time at the moment. Now, it's an extremely well paid day job, so I do need to put some effort into maintaining it, but y'know, I really do look forward for the day when I can work for myself 100% of the time. If only I'd thought of YouTube eh? :-)

So, I've decided I need to re-focus and Get Things Done. I've made my list and included my targets. The main one of which involves launching a brand new site by Christmas 2007.  It's a Web2.0 application which I just know people are going to love, and I've been thinking about it for above a year now. How bad is that! So, I'm pulling out my finger and starting to put things in motion.

I'm reading up on Dave Allen's GTD process at the moment to help me get my life more organised, so I'd be interested if anyone else has any experience (good or bad) of using this.

Until next time...

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Instant Jetspinner Article

For those of you who have subscribed to my newsletter, you'll soon be receiving an article which I have edited for you to use immediately with the Jetspinner service. I explained earlier the format you use to re-write articles, but if you've been struggling doing your own, here's a snippet from the article I will be mailing out to my newsletter subscribers very soon.

The {humdrum|mundane|dull|dreary|tedious} {existence|life|continuation|reality} of going to the office day after day {doing|working} the {usual|typical} 9-5 {hours|shift} is a {thankless|trying} task for {those who have|anyone who has|anybody who has} lived all their lives doing {it|so}. This is why the convenience of {doing work at|working from} home under {amazingly|incredibly} {versatile|variable|flexible} working hours...
So sign up to the newsletter now and take advantage of these free articles.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

FREE PLR Article!

I'm offering you all a FREE PLR Article if you fill out the form on the right hand side of this page. For those of you not familiar with article marketing, I shall be explaining more in subsequent posts and emails, but essentially it is another means of promoting your site and products by writing articles and then submitting them to the numerous article directories across the web. These articles are then used by other sites as 'free' content, which means you get your links circulated all over the web for zero cost!

So what's PLR?

Private Label Rights means that you can do whatever you wish with the content in the article. You can publish as it is, modify it, delete parts of it, absolutely anything. And, you can even give yourself credit as the author!!

Anyway, grab your article now and stay tuned for more information and ideas on what to do with your PLRs.

For those who sign up now, I shall be emailing you more PLRs over the coming weeks too!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Jetspinner Review

I thought I had better eventually get around to writing this review, as it's been pending for a while now.

First - what is JetSpinner?

You may have already heard of Article Spinning if you are already using articles as a means of marketing your sites and/or products. Essentially it enables you to produce multiple articles, all with unique content, by only writing a single initial article. This allows you to get your site links out there (by using them in your article signatures), posted to literally hundreds (over 600) of article directories, and also avoiding the search engines duplicate content penalties (because all your articles will be different).

How does this happen?

Well, when you write your article you include different versions of words, phrases and paragraphs, and separate these by means of curly brackets { } and the pipe symbol | .

Placing { } around any content tells Jetspinner to look inside the content area.

Placing a bar inside the area such as {word1|word2} tells Jetspinner to select at random one of the inside words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs or even whole article variations!

This is a recursive activity so it can be used on as many levels as you wish. Such that {The dog ran {fast|slow} to the {mall|store}|The dog drove the {car|truck} to the {mall|store|shopping center}} will choose either the first or the second sentence then continue inside that sentence and parse the inside content.

This can be a time intensive activity, but to be honest if you just write your basic article first and then go back through it and synonyms to common words and phrases then it doesn't seem that daunting. Get your dictionary and thesaurus handy whilst you're doing this and you'll have completed it in no time at all.

So, sounds great in theory, but how well does this work in practice?

Very well. I mean, technically there's not really much that the service is doing. You are essentially doing all the hard work, and anyone who thinks they're are going to get some software which generates them hundreds of unique articles at merely the click of a button is going to be sadly disappointed.

So, if you put in the effort at the start, in seconds you will have hundreds (or less if you specify) of articles written around your main subject and keywords, all with your site links contained.

Then, I hear you say - "How do I get these circulated to Article Directories?"

Well, my friend, that is where "JetSubmitter" comes in. The subscription based second part of the equation.

I shall be writing an explanation & review of that soon. For now though, why don't you give JetSpinner a try, here.

Friday, 18 May 2007


Yes, I realise you've all been on tenterhooks for the past week, but I shall keep you teetering on the edge of the cliff of apprehension no longer... THE WINNER OF MY AWEBER COMMISSION IS....


He's an experienced WA member, joining back in December 2005. So, I'm taking his offer of personal coaching and advice. Oh, and the meeting up for a beer also had something to do with it...

He'll be collecting his prize in a special award ceremony I've arranged in The Maldives - all expenses paid of course - and he'll soon be earning an extra monthly residual income once I sign up with Aweber, faster than you can say 'Click'. The Links Opposite will also soon be growing with the addition of my Newsletter Sign Up.

, thanks to everyone who took part in the competition, and I shall be running another one soon, so Keep Checking Back.



Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate UK

Welcome on board. This site is for people interested in Internet Marketing.

It doesn't matter whether you've only just begun your journey or if you're a seasoned pro - hopefully we'll learn something together on this.