Saturday, 15 September 2007

What a Relief! Reinstated with Ezine Articles

I'm relieved to say that Ezine Articles have just removed my account from suspension, and reviewed and approved my last article I submitted. The 'problem' article which caused all this has been deleted.

So, a relatively successful week - I managed to get 5 articles submitted and approved and also learned something in the process - that you should not submit PLR articles to EzineArticles!

The articles, I'm pleased to say, are bringing a fair amount of traffic to my site. No sales yet, but I'm hopeful. I do need to spend more time on my blog that is receiving the traffic though, as it's not really optimised for the hard sell yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing useful information.I need 25 - 50 new PLR articles per topic. None I have seen have that many except membership sites but they have other topics that I don't really want along with maybe the one or two keyword topics I am interested in.

-Articlegenesis- plr articles,
private label rights articles, plr, content, niche ideas, resale products

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