Friday, 28 September 2007

Google PageRank on a Mac

Is it possible to see Google PageRank on a Mac? For those of you who, like myself, use a Mac, we've always been left behind when it comes to mainstream tools, including the Google toolbar which you needed to view a sites PageRank.

No longer. I just found a couple of useful tools which you can install on a Mac to view PageRank.

The Google Toolbar for Firefox

This installs and works in the same way as the original IE Google toolbar, except it works on both Mac and Windows versions of Firefox (v1.5 or above only).

Download and install it HERE.

The PageRank Widget

Not quite as convenient, because you have to keep dipping into Dashboard, but it's worth a download all the same. It installs just as you would any Mac widget, and then enter the URL and PageRank will be displayed.

Download and install it HERE.

Why do I need to know a site's PageRank? Knowing a site's PageRank is very useful when choosing your keywords. If you select a keyword, search for it in Google and then see what sites are shown at the top of the natural listings. If the PageRank of those sites is less than that of an article directory, such as EzineArticles (which has a PR of 6) then chances are you can rise to the top of the list fairly easily by submitting articles with those keywords.

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